
FIELDS: Public Space as a Sonorous Object
The main objective of this project is to research the possibilities of implementing interactive digital technology in to objects placed in ‘public spaces / architectural compositions’ that that by the presence or interaction of the ‘public’ produces, enhances or facilitates sound. This project is concerned with ways in which interaction design and technology can offer breaks from the urban landscape, while supporting the awareness of the local surroundings and people in it.
The proposed concept derives from my previous practice based artistic research in which i have been using digital technology to transform electro magnetic waves in to mechanical waves to produce sounds and touch. Meaning that I was converting ones presence by capacitance in to sound by the means of magnetism. The analogue sounds were created by friction of the raw construction materials used in the installation.
In this project I am further investigating how to re-think the public space and make this technology and experience accessible to a wider audience. Concerning that by my opinion sound is the most overlooked (haha obviously) potential of the public space and that we do not utilize it enough in our every day surrounding. It can enhance the users experience of being present in a space, emphasize the spaces structure and composition, and connect all human senses in to one comprehensive experience. Overall I am proposing a conceptual framework on which the public space based on technologically enhanced objects, is actively built through the interaction between people and their environment.

AI assisted spatial composition
Lets start with the core definition of the two terms used in the proposals title.
Public space:
A public space refers to an area or place that is open and accessible to all peoples, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or socio-economic level. These are public gathering spaces such as plazas, squares and parks. Connecting spaces, such as sidewalks and streets, are also public spaces.
Sonorous object:
The sonorous object is a fragment of sound, typically in the range of a few seconds (often even less), perceived as a unit. Sonorous objects are constituted, studied, and evaluated according to various criteria, and sonorous objects that are found suitable are regarded as musical objects that may be used in musical composition.
By joining the two terms I am creating a concept in which the public could, by the means of sound co create and compose the public space.
In modern history there have been many attempts to artistically and practically implement sound in to public spaces, from which almost all of them use the analogue approach of amplification, sound mirroring etc. These are all well know techniques that have been used by different cultures for hundreds of years. Most of these public sound installations appropriate war defence architecture or war artefacts. Above all shaping of the auditory character of spaces has been dominated by functional priorities such as noise reduction, the representational uses of sounds as auditory icons, and sound as emergency signal or alarm. These roles that sound has played as functional, iconic, and signalling element during the interaction with an artefact have arguably limited our everyday experiences with sound. Only a few of these approaches seem to work well with implementing sound in to the public sphere, especially in the field of ‘sonic playgrounds’ meant for children to perform and play on. In my case I am proposing interventions as they are breaks in and interrup- tions of the urban landscape, but are not the isolation from, or the nega- tion of the surrounding public context.

Comparison of contemporary sonic playgrounds and historic war artefacts

Comparison of contemporary art in public spaces and defence architecture
‘’In non-task-oriented activities there is no specific end, no specific function or product of our activity other then the experience itself. The proposed concept explores the existence of the non-task-oriented activities in the everyday life and the possibility of integration of new such activities in contemporary public spaces. My proposal attempts to create conditions in which the human attention is moved to details of the surrounding public context or directed into engaging activities in the public space while letting the parts of the urban context fade and encouraging the connection to the proximate environment and people in it. The augmented perspective is closely tied to a specific place: technology is used to enhance the human perception of the space and the relation between humans and their physical context while impacting social interactions in public spaces.’’
ALTERNATIVE DIGITALIZATION - Rethinking the digital interfaces
Personally I do not find the implementation of screens and the common digital interfaces in to architecture and ‘the public space’ the right approach to find the balance between the real and the digital. In search of a life where the two realms should be equally intertwined there are endless possibilities that have not been considered so far. In this day and age there is just not enough practical and experimental research on the possible alternate implementations of the digital in to public spaces and architecture. The border I am trying to investigate is to merge the two in to possible future scenarios where technology can, through sound serve the public in a broader context. Further on exploring the way how can an objects experience may it be architecture, sculpture or a playground be emphasised by sound to a wider extent. Digital technology can have a more intuitive potential and beneficial impact on society if we would only rethink the interactive interfaces.

AI assisted spatial composition
The project was developed at the residency Of The Ministry of Culture of Slovenia in Vienna, Austria, and was co-funded by The Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ljubljana